Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Start, a glimpse in!

Hello to all and welcome to my world!  For my first post I thought that I would write a little bit about myself and my family, as well as how I came up with the name for my blog! (:

My name is Jacquelyn Breanna-Louise Sheffield, I am 25 years old. Married to my amazing husband Marvin Matthew Sheffield. He is ONE hell of a man! I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world, he does so much for me and our family it is truly amazing. We have a crazy life, and it is one thing from day to day but we always live day by day.

We live in the somewhat of the country in a little town called Coffee Springs, population less than 500. So therefore we are always barefoot running around the house and outside. I always catch myself yelling at the kids to put some shoes on, then I am walking around outside in the garden and what not without shoes! It is just so much more fun to be outside without shoes feeling the grass and dirt between our toes!

I am an x-ray tech 7AM-4PM Monday-Friday, and a "Mom" 24/7 as well as a caretaker of animals and the house. Everything I wouldn't trade for the world! I am sure you are wondering why I would put Mom in quotations, so here it goes! My husband and I have custody of his four niece and nephews, it has been a hard and stressful two years so far but I don't think we would want it to be any other way. Two boys and two girl, we most definitely have our hands full ALL of the time! Hunter is 12 years old and he looks up to Matthew just like a son should look up to his dad. It is truly something special to watch. Kayli is 9 and she is a tom boy, that constantly wants to be in the dirt and trying to help get the job done, but she can turn on the girly girl attitude in a heartbeat and be ready to hit the town! Hannah is 6 years old going on 18, she is a bossy pants little girl and so sweet! She loves to be snuggled and cuddled, but she is also the one that can go play in her room for hours at a time and have many partied by herself with all her baby dolls and stuffed animals. Adam is 4 and he is my little baby! He is the BIGGEST handful when all four kids are together, but the best little boy when he is by himself-- and is he ALL boy, love to play in the dirt, help the men work, help with chores and just anything that he thinks he can do he will try. They all four have their own personalities and offer the world something special in their own way, and its going to be a blessing and a blast to watch them grow up together! Such a BLESSING!! We also have three little furry children that make our house complete, or basically a zoo. Winston is 10 years old he is my baby that I got when I was in high school and he is a case of separation anxiety so he never leaves my side. Jett is a 1 year old Boxer, and oh my is he a handful. He loves to snuggle and have all the attention and the funniest thing to watch is when Jett tries to eat or drink, he can barely get the good in his mouth because he has such an under bite it is hard for him to bite food! Such a character! Bailee is our little baby, a 7 month old German Shepherd, little attitude! She knows what she wants and tries her hardest to get it right then! She has the quirkiest faces, she is hilarious to watch play and run around the house! I think she knows she is Queen Bee! (:

This is my life in a nutshell! There is something new everyday and I am excited to share my life and the day to day process of what makes the "Sheffield House" go round! (:

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